Energy Optimization for Hotels: 10 Projects that Drive Savings

In the hospitality industry, ensuring guest comfort while maintaining operational efficiency is paramount. HVAC system performance is crucial to achieving this balance, particularly in large, full-service resorts where complex mechanical and controls systems often service multiple buildings, creating plenty of room for operational drift. 

By strategically managing and optimizing these systems, hotel operators can thread the needle and simultaneously accomplish three core operating objectives:

  1. Enhancing the guest experience by maintaining a comfortable indoor environment 

  2. Reducing energy consumption (and the associated greenhouse gas emissions), helping to make progress towards corporate- or ownership-driven sustainability targets 

  3. Reducing operating costs and showcasing strong financial performance to hotel ownership 

In this blog post, we share ten widely-applicable low-cost/no-cost projects aimed at improving aspects of HVAC operations in hotels, with an ultimate eye towards driving energy optimization. We’ve outlined the key steps and resulting benefits for each project, providing a clear guide that hotel managers and heads of engineering can follow to drive energy savings by improving HVAC system efficiency and reliability – without needing to commit any CapEx spend. 

And the best part? All these projects have been vetted and validated by our expert team of Building Systems Engineers. 

Want more detail or advice on how you can implement, monitor, and measure the impact of these types of projects at your own hotels? Get in touch with us – we’d love to chat about your needs.  

1. Improve Temperature Setpoint Adherence

Our first project focuses on ensuring that your hotel’s temperature setpoints are maintained consistently and accurately. It involves monitoring and adjusting the setpoints to align with the actual conditions and occupancy needs, minimizing energy waste due to temperature fluctuations.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Analyze temperature data: Use the BMS to gather data on past temperature settings and actual room temperatures. Look for patterns or deviations where the actual temperatures differ significantly from setpoints.

  2. Identify discrepancies between setpoints and actual temperatures: Compare the data to identify where and when discrepancies occur. For example, certain floors may consistently be warmer or cooler than setpoints.

  3. Adjust setpoints and control strategies to improve adherence: Modify the setpoints in the BMS to better match the observed occupancy patterns. For instance, increase the setpoint slightly during peak occupancy times to prevent overcooling.

  4. Implement automated monitoring and alert systems for real-time adjustments: Install sensors in key areas to provide real-time data and set up alerts for significant deviations. For example, an alert could be triggered if a room's temperature deviates by more than 2 degrees from the setpoint for more than 30 minutes.


  • Improved occupant comfort.

  • Enhanced energy efficiency.

  • Reduced HVAC system wear and tear.

2. Improve Static Pressure Setpoint Adherence

The goal here is to maintain optimal static pressure in the HVAC system to ensure efficient air distribution. This involves adjusting the setpoints to match the system’s requirements and reducing energy consumption caused by over- or under-pressurization.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Measure current static pressure levels: Use a manometer or pressure sensors to measure the static pressure in the ductwork at various points.

  2. Compare with desired setpoints: Compare these measurements with the recommended setpoints provided by HVAC system specifications.

  3. Fine-tune control settings for pressure maintenance: Adjust the settings on the VAV (Variable Air Volume) boxes or other control devices to match the desired static pressure levels.

  4. Install sensors for continuous monitoring and automatic adjustments: Place sensors in strategic locations and integrate them with the BMS for continuous monitoring and real-time adjustments.


  • Better airflow distribution.

  • Lower energy costs.

  • Extended lifespan of HVAC components.

3. Optimize Valve Control

Optimizing valve control ensures that the HVAC system efficiently regulates the flow of heating and cooling fluids. This project involves calibrating or upgrading control valves to respond more precisely to system demands.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Evaluate current valve performance: Inspect all control valves and measure their performance under different conditions. Note any valves that are slow to respond or do not close/open fully.

  2. Replace or recalibrate faulty valves: Recalibrate valves that are out of spec, and replace any that are malfunctioning or beyond repair.

  3. Implement advanced control algorithms: Update the BMS with advanced control algorithms that better respond to the hotel's varying demands.

  4. Monitor and adjust valve operations regularly: Set up a regular maintenance schedule to check and adjust valve operations to ensure they remain optimal.


  • Enhanced system efficiency.

  • Reduced energy wastage.

  • Improved thermal comfort.

4. Inspect and Repair Energy Wasting Valves

This project targets identifying and fixing valves that are causing energy wastage due to leaks, improper sealing, or malfunctioning controls. Regular inspections and timely repairs are critical.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Conduct thorough inspections of all valves: Use ultrasonic leak detectors and visual inspections to check for leaks or faulty seals.

  2. Identify and document issues: Record any issues found, including the location and severity of the problem.

  3. Repair or replace faulty valves: Prioritize repairs or replacements based on the severity of the energy waste. Immediate repairs for significant leaks, while less critical issues can be scheduled.

  4. Implement a maintenance schedule for ongoing inspections: Develop a routine inspection schedule to catch and fix issues before they become major problems.


  • Decreased energy costs.

  • Improved system reliability.

  • Reduced environmental impact.

5. Calibrate or Replace BMS Control Point Sensors

BMS sensors play a crucial role in monitoring and controlling a building’s HVAC system. This project involves verifying that the sensors are configured accurately and functioning to specification. 

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Assess the accuracy of existing sensors: Compare sensor readings with handheld instruments to check for accuracy.

  2. Calibrate sensors to meet manufacturer specifications: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to recalibrate any sensors that are out of spec.

  3. Replace sensors that are beyond calibration: Identify sensors that can no longer be calibrated accurately and replace them.

  4. Integrate sensors with the BMS for real-time data: Ensure that all sensors are correctly integrated with the BMS for real-time monitoring and control.


  • More accurate system monitoring.

  • Improved control over HVAC operations.

  • Enhanced energy efficiency.

6. Optimize Control Sequence

Optimizing the control sequence involves revising the logic and order in which HVAC equipment operates to maximize efficiency. This ensures that each component operates in the most energy-efficient manner

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Review existing control sequences: Examine the current programming and sequences within the BMS.

  2. Identify inefficiencies and potential improvements: Look for sequences where equipment may be running unnecessarily or where timing adjustments could save energy

  3. Implement new or revised control sequences: Update the BMS with new sequences that optimize the order and timing of equipment operations.

  4. Monitor performance and adjust as necessary: Track energy use and system performance to ensure the new sequences are effective, and make further adjustments as needed.


  • Reduced energy consumption.

  • Improved system performance.

  • Lower operational costs.

7. Reduce Simultaneous Heating & Cooling

This project focuses on eliminating instances where heating and cooling systems operate simultaneously, which is a major source of energy waste.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Analyze system operations to identify simultaneous heating and cooling: Use the BMS to identify times when both systems are running at the same time.

  2. Adjust setpoints and control strategies to prevent overlap: Modify setpoints and control logic to ensure that heating and cooling do not operate simultaneously.

  3. Implement lockout mechanisms in the BMS to avoid simultaneous operations: Program the BMS to lock out heating when cooling is active, and vice versa.

  4. Monitor and verify adjustments: Continuously monitor the system to ensure that the adjustments are working as intended.


  • Significant energy savings.

  • Improved occupant comfort.

  • Prolonged equipment lifespan.

8. Optimize Chiller Staging

Optimizing chiller staging ensures that chillers are brought online or taken offline based on the building's cooling load, which improves efficiency and reduces energy use.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Evaluate current chiller performance and staging logic: Review the current chiller operation schedules and performance data.

  2. Develop an optimized staging strategy: Create a strategy that stages chillers based on real-time cooling demand rather than fixed schedules.

  3. Implement advanced controls for dynamic staging: Use the BMS to dynamically adjust chiller operation based on cooling load. 

  4. Monitor chiller performance and make adjustments as needed: Track performance metrics and adjust the staging strategy to maintain optimal efficiency.


  • Lower energy costs.

  • Enhanced chiller efficiency.

  • Extended equipment life.

9. Optimize Condenser Water Setpoint

This project aims to fine-tune the setpoints for condenser water temperature to optimize the efficiency of the cooling system. Proper setpoints reduce energy use while maintaining cooling performance.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Analyze the current setpoint and system performance: Review the existing condenser water temperature setpoints and the system’s performance data.

  2. Adjust setpoints to align with optimal efficiency levels: Modify the setpoints to the levels that provide the best balance of cooling efficiency and energy use. 

  3. Implement controls for real-time setpoint adjustments: Use the BMS to adjust the condenser water temperature setpoints dynamically based on current conditions. 

  4. Continuously monitor system performance and adjust as necessary: Regularly check performance metrics and tweak setpoints to maintain optimal efficiency.


  • Reduced energy consumption.

  • Improved cooling system efficiency.

  • Lower operational costs.

10. Reduce Overpumping

Reducing overpumping involves ensuring that the HVAC system pumps are not running more than necessary, which can waste energy and increase operational costs.

Key Steps and Practical Examples:

  1. Assess current pump operations and energy use: Measure the energy consumption of pumps and compare it to the actual demand for heating/cooling.

  2. Implement variable frequency drives (VFDs) to control pump speeds: Install VFDs on pumps to adjust their speed according to the actual system demand.

  3. Adjust pump control strategies to match actual demand: Modify control strategies to ensure that pumps operate only as much as needed.

  4. Regularly monitor and adjust pump operations: Continuously track pump performance and make adjustments to maintain efficient operation.


  • Decreased energy costs.

  • Reduced wear and tear on pumps.

  • Improved system efficiency.

The Importance of Energy Data Analytics Technology 

Cutting-edge technology – like Infogrid’s Advanced Analytics solution  – can accelerate your ability to identify, implement, monitor, and measure all of the above projects. By integrating directing with a BMS and trending and analyzing thousands of unique data points, solutions like Advanced Analytics make it possible to get automatically alerted to equipment and component issues (like in the listed examples), view critical equipment efficiency calculations, and measure and verify the impact of operational changes made onsite over time. 

You may think: but I already have a BMS – isn’t that sufficient? Unfortunately, BMS systems have several key limitations that make them poorly suited for identifying and validating energy savings opportunities. 

For starters, BMS systems are designed primarily for real-time monitoring and control, not long-term data storage, which creates significant barriers to diagnosing system issues, finding opportunities to optimize and save, and monitoring long-term performance. This is because most BMS manufacturers focus on ensuring real-time operational efficiency rather than long-term data analytics; storing large volumes of historical data requires significant data storage capacity and can be costly, and BMS systems are simply not purpose-built to also function as data management systems. 

In the absence of dedicated data management tools (like those offered by Infogrid Advanced Analytics), the raw data from a BMS can be overwhelming and virtually impossible to interpret. Additional technology is needed to trend and analyze BMS data to surface useful insights. 

At Infogrid, we not only offer advanced energy analytics technology to trend BMS data and enhance system performance – we back it up with a team of expert Building System Engineers who will work hand-in-hand with your onsite teams to identify and implement energy- and cost-savings measures. Find out more by getting in touch with us here.

Finally, access to historical data is a baseline prerequisite for identifying energy savings opportunities and validating the effectiveness of savings projects. Without historical data, you can not understand a building or system’s typical performance (and thus departures from the norm), nor can you compare pre- and post-project implementation performance to measure the impact of efficiency measures and operational improvements.

For all these reasons, BMS systems are not suitable to power an ongoing energy efficiency and optimization program. You must integrate a purpose-built analytics solution into your building tech stack. 

Final Thoughts 

Optimizing HVAC systems in hotels to drive improvements in comfort, energy usage, and equipment lifespan is no longer a daunting task when armed with the right strategies and tools. By implementing the ten low-cost/no-cost operational projects outlined in this blog post, hotel managers and engineers can significantly enhance HVAC performance, reduce energy consumption and equipment wear and tear, and improve overall guest comfort – all without the need for capital expenditures. 

However, achieving these improvements requires more than just a BMS. While BMS systems excel at real-time monitoring and control, they lack the capability to store and analyze historical data, which is essential for diagnosing issues, optimizing performance, and validating the impact of energy-savings initiatives that can then be reported up to the corporate office or ownership. This is where purpose-built energy data analytics solutions, like Infogrid’s Advanced Analytics, come into play.

Advanced Analytics integrates directly with your BMS, trending and analyzing thousands of data points to provide actionable insights that can help you identify equipment inefficiencies, monitor HVAC performance over time, and measure the impact of operational changes. By leveraging this technology, you can overcome the limitations of traditional BMS systems and ensure continuous improvement in your operations.

So, if you’re ready to take your sustainability program to the next level, consider tackling the above projects – and integrating a dedicated data analytics solution with your BMS to verify their impact. Armed with data-driven insights, you can maintain optimal system performance, achieve significant energy savings, and drive more sustainable and cost-effective operations, ultimately leading to better outcomes for guests, staff, and hotel ownership alike. 

Want to learn more about how you can implement these projects and harness the power of Advanced Analytics in your hotels? Reach out to our team today – we’d love to help you achieve your goals.


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